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Shared growth / Social contribution Seoyeon Ehwa ↔ Gongju University signed an agreement to foster global talent.

Date 22-01-24 22:11

Views 3,053


Seoyon E-Hwa ↔ Gongju University signed an agreement to foster global talent and resolve manpower shortages at headquarters of Seoyon E-Hwa (Anyang, Gyeonggi-do) on January 19th.

This agreement  was made to contribute to the joint development through industry-academic cooperation by sympathizing with the necessity of nurturing global talent and resolve manpower shortage, and by establishing an organic cooperative relationship to provide a place for mutual exchange.

Participants were CEO of Seoyon E-Hwa CEO Kang Yong-suk, Head of R&D Center Lee Yang-gi(Executive Director),  President of Gongju University Won Sung-soo, and Head of the Employment Department Lim Choong-wan. The agreement began with greetings from CEO Kang Yong-seok and President Won Sung-soo, followed by signing the agreement and taking commemorative photos. 

The main contents of the agreement were the development of various exchange programs such as education, training, field training, and internship, cooperation and support for students' employment and start-ups, academic and technical information, R&D, and joint research on training programs. In the future, Seoyon E-Hwa and Gongju University decided to cooperate with each other in various fields.

CEO of Seoyon E-Hwa Kang Yong-suk said, "We look foward that we will be able to contribute to the career development of excellent talents by solidifying cooperation between universities and companies during difficult times due to COVID-19."