Company News


Shared growth / Social contribution Seoyon E-Hwa’s Good Workplace sign-up ceremony and donation delivery ceremony to Usu-ri

Date 23-07-03 11:36

Views 1,827


Gyeonggi Community Chest of Korea (Chairman Lee Sun-seon) announced on the 22nd (Mon) that Seoyon E-Hwa Co., Ltd. joined the ‘Good Workplace,’ a workers’ small donation program, and delivered KRW 10 million in donations for children and youth in Anyang.

The event was held in the presence of Kang Yong-seok, CEO of Seoyeon E-Hwa, and Kim Hyo-jin, secretary general of Gyeonggi Community Chest of Korea. The donated money is delivered to children’s welfare facilities, ‘Good House’ and ‘Anyang House,’ in Anyang City, with KRW 5 million each, and used to support the purchase of sneakers and clothing for children and teenagers.

As an automotive interior and exterior parts manufacturer located in Anyang, Gyeonggi-do, Seoyon E-Hwa enriched the meaning of sharing by joining the ‘Good Workplace,’ a sharing activity in which executives and employees regularly donate part of their salaries along with the donation.

Kang Yong-seok, CEO of Seoyeon E-Hwa, articulated, “I think it is natural for a company to engage in social contribution activities to create a better community.” He mentioned, “I want to help neighbors in need in the community through steady sharing activities.”

Kim Hyo-jin, secretary general of Gyeonggi Community Chest of Korea, said, “I am grateful to Seoyeon E-Hwa for its generosity to the local community. Also, we will deliver the donations transparently to be used for children and youth in Anyang City.”