Company News


Prize news Awarded in the “48th National Quality Management Convention”

Date 22-12-02 14:08

Views 2,208



The Korean Agency for Technology and Standards of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy presented the 48th National Quality Management Convention Award Ceremony, which took place in the Grand Ballroom of KINTEX Exhibition Hall 1 on November 23, 2022 (Wed) 14:00~16:40. 


The National Quality Management Convention is the largest quality promotion event in South Korea that identifies and honors exemplary individuals and organizations that have contributed to the enhancement of industrial competitiveness by producing exceptional management results via quality innovation activities. Since the inaugural convention in 1975, it has been conducted annually; this year marks the 48th. Three years after COVID-19, around 2,000 individuals including all recipients and affiliated organizations gathered for this year's awards presentation. In honor of our quality innovation, customer satisfaction, and remarkable management performance, we have been designated as a company with excellent quality competitiveness fourteen times in a row till 2021, and this year we aspired to be entered into the "Hall of Fame" and were successful.

Since the introduction of the "Quality Competitiveness Excellent Company" selection system in 1997, the "Hall of Fame" for companies with excellent quality competitiveness has been aimed at companies that have achieved outstanding business performance through quality management systems, technology, and continuous quality improvement. The significance of our induction into the "Hall of Fame" is heightened by the fact that just 29 out of 1,505 companies selected by 2021 have accomplished this significant achievement.

In addition, CEO Yongsuk Kang was awarded the "Industrial Medal of Honor" in appreciation of Seoyon E-Hwa's commitment to the growth of the national industry via digital transformation and smart factory promotion. Chang-seok Song, leader of the Smart Manufacturing Innovation Team, received a commendation from the director of the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards in honor of the company's efforts in supporting local and foreign smart factories in the automobile parts business. The Research Center Synapse Circle in the Creative Improvement (R&D) Division and the Coker Circle in the Production Technology Division of the Smart Factory Division both received the Presidential Award Gold Award for the Excellence Quality Circle in the circle awards. The Synapse Circle accomplished the remarkable feat of earning the Minister's Award, which is awarded to only the top five teams out of 266 circles across 14 categories and 178 workplaces.